Legal notice
Information according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz):
LegalTegrity GmbH
Platz der Einheit 2
60327 Frankfurt
Authorized managing directors:
Dr. Thomas Altenbach, Pia Michel
Telefon: +49 69 999 988-38
Register court: local court Frankfurt am Main
Commercial register number: HRB 117038
VAT identification number: DE 326993852
Responsible for content according to § 18 (2) MStV:
Dr. Thomas Altenbach, Pia Michel
Aources for the pictures and graphics used:
Portrait Altenbach, Michel, Fistanic: Fotografie Petra Killick; Libuda: Katja Spohn; Behrenbeck: Studio 157;
All other fotos: Adobe Stock
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